O1.1- Development of data collection and storage infrastructure for experimental data (raw-data parsers, processing and analysis scripts).
O1.2- Building database with existing data from partners, harmonised with data from literatura.
O1.3- Development of computational descriptors for porous materials.
O1.4- Development of machine-learning tools
WP Leader: Nanolayers
O2.1- To improve the capacity of MOFs beyond 4% and 44 g/l.
O2.2- Improvement of the capacity of ACs beyond 12 wt % and 25 gH2/lPS.
O2.3- To develop synthesis strategies for ultraporous carbons with high yields.
O2.4- To explore the use of renewable and economic polymers and biomass and develop advanced precursors with selected 3D structures.
O2.5- To produce innovative MOFs based on metal combinations for densities >1 g/cm.
O2.6- To develop a catalogue of 200 samples with descriptors;
O2.7 To validate ML-guided 8% improvement.
WP Leader: University of Nottingham
O3.1- Replication of best candidate materials from the MOF and AC families at multi-kg batches with < 10% discrepancy in hydrogen storage indicators.
O3.2- Validation of manufacturing SOP using >1,000L reactors and >1m3 furnace.
O3.3- Adapting densification strategies for pellets, spheres and monoliths.
O3.4- Establishing product formulas including MOF, AC, binders and their different possible blends.
O3.5- Evaluation of the cyclability of densified ultraporous materials for minimal physical degradation.
O3.6- Compiling preliminary material datasheets.
WP Leader: Envirohemp
O4.1- Setup of a thermo-physical & mechanical catalogue showing degree of H2-compatibility of fibre-reinforced
Aluminium manufactured by additive manufacturing compared to existing Aluminium plate/sheet/cast/WAAM alternatives as benchmark.
O4.2- Development of a scalable wire-based additive manufacturing technology to produce high-performance lightweight metal vessels with dedicated shapes.
O4.3- Validation of permeation & fatigue behaviour of specimens manufactured by WAAM w/o fibres.
O4.4- Collection of recommendations for design and manufacturing of vessel, including best solutions for joints and transitions.
O4.5- Development & selection of protecting coatings for innovative Al and Mg materials
WP Leader: LKR
O5.1- Full numerical design of a short-term storage system based on WAAM vessel and densified adsorbent media with adjusted TPS regime.
O5.2- Development of a digital twin of the system;
O5.3- WAAM manufacturing of encapsulated double-walled vessel.
O5.4- Independent safety certification of vessel for the desired H2 max. Compression.
O5.5- Assembling and testing of a demonstrator with working capacity for at least 1 kg of hydrogen.
O5.6- Developing a versatile refuelling interface compatible with 350 bar.
O5.7- To validate and benchmark demonstrator with at least 33g H2/lsys.
WP Leader: SPIKE Renewables
O6.1- Provide environmental criterion in the decision-making phase during the design stage.
O6.2- Identify environmental and economic hotspots in the production of the complete system at low scale and guide the scaling-up.
O6.3- Evaluate the Life Cycle environmental performance of the complete scaled-up system.
O6.4- Estimate the Levelized Cost of Production of the complete system.
O6.5- Eco-design insights fostered by end-of-life preliminary evaluation.
O6.6- Provide risk-assessment of the demonstrator.
O6.7- Provide techno-economic assessment for OEMs of the different transportation sectors.
WP Leader: Contactica
O7.1- To maximise the impact of MAST3RBoost results through appropriate Exploitation strategies that ensure the
protection of IPR and market opportunities.
O7.2- To ensure that the project’s objectives, activities and results developed are widely promoted to a broad audience.
O7.3- To build on the know-how generated by other projects.
O7.4- To create spaces of discussion for a rapid spread of the progress beyond state-of-the-art.
O7.5- secure the end-to-end involvement of the whole value chain.
WP Leader: Contactica
O8.1- To establish project management procedures and structures to ensure an effective project management.
O8.2- To perform a correct and appropriate scientific coordination to ensure all the project objectives are clearly defined and efficiently achieved.
O8.3- To guarantee that project activities are executed with efficient use of resources, time and budget. To identify risks and issue corrective action plan as necessary.
O8.4- To ensure an efficient financial and legal management.
O8.5- To facilitate an adequate project coordination with other related projects and the European Commission.
O8.6- To guarantee that gender equality issues are taken into account in the Project.
WP Leader: Envirohemp
Funded by the European Union under grant agreement 101058574. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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